jDeepL version 0.7.4 released, pre-build binaries available

> posts > 2023 > Nov


It's been a while since I announced and released the first version of jDeepL - Unofficial DeepL App for Linux based on JavaFX. Since then it was mentioned on a couple of news sites and people reached out to me. Mostly with pointing out that there are not much instructions how to build it. And that I don't offer pre-build binaries that people can directly run.

That was good and valid feedback. I was focused on sharing it with the world. I didn't take into account that non-tech people are the actual users.

As part of the recent Git repos moved to Sourcehut, with mirrors on Codeberg, GitLab and GitHub activities, I allocated a bit of time to tackle some of the addressed issues. The README should now be a bit clearer. I updated some dependencies, improved the release scripts and published v0.7.4.

For the future I plan a CI integration that takes care about publishing new versions. Until then, I uploaded the pre-build version to my personal Nextcloud instance: https://hub.xlii.cc/s/an7E9E9bgFBpRG3

Latest version: v0.7.4 (SHA256 checksum: 206c13ec820451096bdf07f29e336c6827c750db11554d9dcc68812c8b56c796)

It's nice to see that some people find useful what I created.

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