A convenient way to quickly setup a local Uyuni Instance inclusive Clients, either for Development or Testing, is sumaform. It supports different backends and provides a ton of options, check it out: https://github.com/uyuni-project/sumaform
I just want to run a Uyuni Server and a few Clients (openSUSE, EL, Debian) on my Laptop so I can verify reported bugs, try some configs as well as deploy and test changes during development, without investing much time.
Following a overview of the, in my case, relevant steps, examples of my config and some Ansible snippets.
sudo zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/sumaform/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/systemsmanagement:sumaform.repo sudo zypper install git-core sudo zypper install --from systemsmanagement_sumaform terraform terraform-provider-libvirt git clone https://github.com/uyuni-project/sumaform.git
Follow the First-time configuration (libvirt) instructions in the
but use the uyuni example file instead: copy main.tf.uyuni.example to main.tf
Config & Deployment
vim main.tf terraform init terraform validate terraform apply
My terraform main.cf based on the uyuni example file
terraform { required_version = "1.0.10" required_providers { libvirt = { version = "0.6.3" } } } provider "libvirt" { } module "base" { cc_username = "" cc_password = "" images = ["centos7", "opensuse153o", "ubuntu1804"] } module "server" { base_configuration = module.base.configuration product_version = "uyuni-master" name = "server" image = "opensuse153o" use_os_released_updates = true create_first_user = false auto_accept = false skip_changelog_import = false mgr_sync_autologin = false create_sample_channel = false create_sample_activation_key = false create_sample_bootstrap_script = false publish_private_ssl_key = false java_debugging = true provider_settings = { memory = 8192 vcpu = 4 } } module "redhat-minion" { base_configuration = module.base.configuration product_version = "uyuni-master" name = "minion-centos7" image = "centos7" server_configuration = module.server.configuration provider_settings = { memory = 1024 } auto_connect_to_master = true } module "debian-minion" { base_configuration = module.base.configuration product_version = "uyuni-master" name = "minion-ubuntu1804" image = "ubuntu1804" server_configuration = module.server.configuration provider_settings = { memory = 1024 } auto_connect_to_master = true }
Ansible Snippets for the Setup steps
- name: Import systemsmanagement:/sumaform RPM Key rpm_key: key: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/sumaform/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/repodata/repomd.xml.key state: present - name: Add systemsmanagement:/sumaform RPM Repository community.general.zypper_repository: name: systemsmanagement_sumaform description: Using Terraform to create a SUSE Manager test environment (openSUSE_Tumbleweed) repo: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/sumaform/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ priority: 90 state: present ignore_errors: true - name: Package Installation (Uyuni Development - sumaform) community.general.zypper: name: - terraform - terraform-provider-libvirt - git-core allow_vendor_change: true force_resolution: true force: true state: latest