How-to update Rancher Manager - deployed via Rancher Setup from AWS Marketplace - to the latest version

> posts > 2023 > May


If you used Rancher Setup (Archive: [1], [2]) from AWS Marketplace to deploy Ranger Manager, you can perform a update to the latest version via Helm, the initial Rancher Setup tool isn't involved in this process.

The installation guide from SUSE (Archive: [1], [2]) in Section 4 - Upgrade to latest version - refers to Section 3 - Upgrade Rancher - in the official Rancher upgrade guide (Archive: [1], [2]).

You can follow this guide, but there is one major difference, the deployment is called rancher-stable and not rancher if Rancher Setup from AWS Marketplace was used. Ensure to replace it accordingly, otherwise you will see some error messages that the Helm deployment can't be found.

Following a short summary of the plain commands, adjusted to match the deployment name, for further details about all required commands, the specific order and what they are doing, please take a look into the above linked upgrade guide.

helm get values rancher-stable -n cattle-system -o yaml > values.yaml

helm upgrade rancher-stable rancher-<CHART_REPO>/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
-f values.yaml \

I created a GitHub Issue (Archive: [1], [2]) to get a hint added to the section in the installation guide that the Helm deployment name is different. I think this would safe time and avoid frustration when it comes to a upgrade.

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