Posts: 2024

> posts > 2024 >
Wed 10 July 2024
AWS C libraries, the unknown heroes behind AWS tools and the adventure to package them
Sun 07 July 2024
Recordings of my sessions at openSUSE Conference 2024 are online
Mon 17 June 2024
SUSE Certified Engineer in SLES High-Availability 15
Fri 31 May 2024
Becoming a Fedora Packager
Sun 19 May 2024
My first approved Fedora Package, yippie! ec2-instance-connect
Mon 13 May 2024
SUSE Certified Deployment Specialist in SLES High-Availability 15
Sun 12 May 2024
AWS CloudFormation and CDK doesn't support AWS SSM Parameter Store SecureString?!
Sun 05 May 2024
Fedora dist-git Packit onboarding
Wed 01 May 2024
Adopting orphaned Fedora packages or how one thing leads to another
Tue 30 April 2024
Pagure is still alive! Update about the gitolite backend removal
Mon 25 March 2024
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional
Mon 18 March 2024
AWS Devops Engineer Professional