I have the pleasure and great opportunity to represent Amazon Web Services (AWS) with two Sessions at SUSECON 25 in Florida (Archive: [1], [2]) together with my SUSE co-speaker Kevin Ayres and Nicolas Lowman. In addition, two other proposals I've submitted were accepted for recording and will be published after the Event. Stephen Mogg and Graham Hares well be my co-speaker for them.
I'm looking forward to it, even though there is a lot of work ahead the next two months :O
TUTORIAL-1061: Paint it Green, automate migrations to SLES with SUSE Manager on AWS
Imagine you want to go from Red to Green with a large fleet of Servers. How do you achieve this? Which solutions and tools can you leverage? In this session we demonstrate an approach to migrate at scale. We dive-deep how SUSE Manager plays a crucial role and becomes our Automation control center. This includes Infrastructure Orchestration and the actual Server as well as Data migration. You have systems that you can’t migrate to SLES? No worries, we have an alternative option for you! Join us on the journey to make your Linux Landscape a little more Green.
TUTORIAL-1085: Rancher as GitOps and application platform with Fleet and Epinio on AWS
Learn in this session how to address the problem of undifferentiated heavy lifting for Cluster management and application deployment of your DevOps Teams. We dive-deep on Rancher as GitOps and application platform with Fleet and Epinio on AWS. A brief overview of features and concepts will help you which one to choose based on different use-cases. We talk about the Architecture of Rancher with Fleet and Epinio on Amazon EKS. And going to spend the rest of the session with Demos of Fleet and Epinio for cluster management and application deployment on AWS. We want you to leave this session with the knowledge and curiosity to leverage Fleet and Epinio in your own environment.
TUTORIAL-1071: SUSE Storage (Longhorn) on AWS - Architecture, Backup, Disaster Recovery and Observability
Learn in this session best practices when deploying SUSE Storage (Longhorn) as cloud-native storage solution on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). We talk about storage optimization options by leveraging different Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume types. How to perform Backup and Restore with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and build Cross-Region Disaster Recovery. Gain detailed insights with federated observability across all your SUSE Storage clusters with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana. Leave this session with knowledge of deployment and integration options of SUSE Storage on AWS.
TUTORIAL-1070: SUSE Virtualization (Harvester) on AWS - A Science Experiment and its (unexpected) outcome
Curious how our little “science experiment” to deploy SUSE Virtualization (Harvester) on AWS went? In this session we share details of our journey with you. What exactly is SUSE Virtualization and why do we even want to run it on AWS? We take a look at some key technical and architecture considerations during our Engineering adventure. What worked, what didn’t and where did some duct tape had to hold everything together? What are the learnings and how might the future for SUSE Virtualization on AWS look like? We want you to leave this session with the knowledge and curiosity to experiment yourself with your own SUSE Virtualization on AWS project.